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Music Monday: wolfacejoeyy, Kenzo B, Latto, & Sha EK

Writer's picture: Enrique OrtizEnrique Ortiz

i think u like me - Wolfacejoeyy

It’s a calm and smooth two minutes when you play this track. It’s a Jersey Club beat, but it doesn’t carry all of the energy with it, and that isn’t a bad thing either. Wolfacejoeyy’s soft delivery against the bouncy drums and icy keys that make up the beat’s central beat create an easy vibe, one you can close your eyes and nod your head in sync to. The synth-key melody is a short but infectious loop that feels increasingly rewarding as you tune in listen after listen. The mix feels a little rough, but I understand that it’s a part of the overall aesthetic as well. It picks up a little bit though as the track begins to fade out, making for a sonically satisfying conclusion.

4 / 5 Stars

Pistons - Sha EK, Bandmanrill, MCVERTT

Sha EK and Bandmanrill are a duo that hardly ever miss. Unfortunately, this happens to be one of those moments where they do. The MCVERTT-produced beat kicks off when Bandman starts rapping over a Drill beat, before Sha EK interjects. Bandman comes back around before the beat switches into Jersey Club. Maintaining his flow as the beat switched over from one sound into another was one of my favorite moments, and the track really finds its rhythm and groove by the time Sha reappears for a closing verse. But the Drill portion in the beginning almost lost me. Sha EK has maintained a consistent presence, but his shouting delivery is getting a bit stale.

3 / 5 Stars

Put It On The Floor Again - Latto, Cardi B

Latto brings Cardi B outside for the remix to her track “Put It On The Floor.” When Cardi appears as a feature, you can always count that she’ll have some one liners in tow. As was the case with her guest verse on “Tomorrow 2,” Cardi’s pen has once again ensured that you’ll be repeating these bars for quite some time. Back like she never left, her verse fits the record like a glove, as she flows seamlessly over the booming drums of this gritty Trap beat. The track was already great beforehand, but the feature here elevates the entire experience.

4 / 5 Stars

BFFR - Kenzo B

As she inches increasingly toward a more mainstream sound, Kenzo B simultaneously proves that she is cut from a different cloth than the Drill counterparts she was beefing with not too long ago. With a lyrical ability that is better than even most Male rappers, Kenzo shows us that she can do much more than Drill. The beat isn’t overly produced, and is effective in its minimalist approach, which Kenzo’s verse compliments as well. The track is quick, if you blink you’ll feel like you’ll have missed it. That feels awfully intentional though, as the track is nothing but bars. There’s no traditional hook from Kenzo here, either, just a continuous verbal assault as she claims dominance over her contemporaries, and shows why.

4 / 5 Stars

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